
Dream-diary : Drawing the doodles about what I saw in my dreams.

Entries from 2024-02-01 to 1 month

partner in crime

Destroyed family11 [ on February 19th 2024]

second offend

Destroyed family10 [ on February 5th 2024]


Destroyed family9 [ on February 7th 2024]

this is your fault

Destroyed family8 [ on February 5th 2024]


Destroyed family7 [ on February 4th 2024]

chocolate with cohort

Destroyed family6 [ on February 4th 2024]

Sweet lies, bitter rewards

Destroyed family5 [ on February 4th 2024]

hid and peek

Destroyed family4 [ on February 4th 2024]

unknown-man's shoes

Destroyed family3 [ on February 4th 2024]

Happy valentine

Happy family

Destroyed family2 [ on February 4th 2024]

Family fot

Destroyed family1 [ on February 4th 2024]

a mask

[on January 30th 2014]

grown hire Tobun-San

her another name is "sugar" [on January 30th 2014]


[on January 30th 2014]

as heavy

[ on February 3rd 2024]


[ on February 3rd 2024]

fall short of snail's pace

effort is wasted [ on January 28th 2024]

so sleepy, so hardy!

[ on January 28th 2024]

warm sleeping

[ on January 28th 2024]