
Dream-diary : Drawing the doodles about what I saw in my dreams.

Entries from 2021-06-01 to 1 month


Möbius strip ↓remake


It's too bad.


ok, I forget all.


How to job is a parent by this man


“What are you doing?”


My favorite! in the now making animetion.


good luck to me


look like a chain Beads!


What's that?


lot of capsule and the tiyred toy.


Girl like a dog with a born.








I always thinking about you.


Where are you now?


meatball do not feel.


I feel cleepy to myself. and sometimes bottom in my heart like so sludge.


rubeus in the bed. Sara never got out of the bed during that life. but rubeus can get up of the bed anytime you like. after life is wonderful :)


sara had beautiful eyes like a Ruby. sara loved that eyes and own bloods like a Ruby.


no way out, little by little.




If everybody wants it, can't someone get it.


When a fed up of thinking, I think wish I were someone...


s s e l r a e F


bury my words.little, but many I couldn't say.bury my own. like a dead my words

